Annie Sloan Arles Chalk Paint is a rich yellow
ochre with a hint of orange. When using Arles
on furniture, Annie recommends pairing it with
a cool, quiet color like Chateau Grey, Old
Ochre, Country Grey, Paris Grey. I have tried
it with Old Ochre and paris Grey and really
like it.This is possibly another candidate for
dark wax treatment.
The inspiration for this colour, which is a rich
glowing yellow, is the colour associated with
the town of Arles in the South of France. It is
a rich yellow ochre with a hint of orange juice
and with Old White added the colour is warm and
gentle. It is in our opinion a warm and
sophisticated yellow.
If you look closely at the floor in the photo
above you will notice that we also chose to
use Arles on the shop floor.

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