Tag Archives: ou acheter peinture annie sloan

Annie Sloan Barcelona Orange Chalk Paint

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Deux Sevres - Barcelona Orange
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint – Barcelona Orange

Annie Sloan Barcelona Orange Chalk Paint.
One of the perks of running a paint shop is that you normally get to try new colours before anyone else. When our deliveries arrive we are like big kids,trying to grab the new tins and try it first.
This is a colour that I was itching to try.Only trouble was I had nothing to try it on. And to date I have not found a suitable piece to paint with it. Completely undeterred by the lack of suitable furniture (an unusual event in itself) I found an off cut of wood and used that instead. Annie Sloan recommends using it with Florence ( aka Persian green) and so I thought it was worth trying. Here is the result :

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Deux Sevres  - Florence over Barcelona Orange
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint – Florence over Barcelona Orange

“Think of a large ripe orange and this is the colour of Barcelona Orange. Apply dark wax and the colour becomes a luscious burnt orange. Its warmth and vivacity is a great accompaniment to neutral tones such as the greeny sludge colour, Chateau Grey or to the cool silveriness of Paris Grey as well as Aubusson Blue, its deep complementary partner. It is perfect for many interiors but particularly with the 1960s vintage look.”

I did a little more experimenting and found that if you had equal parts of Old White to the Orange – it tones the colour down somewhat.Haven’t tried it with dark wax yet but it is only a matter of time!

Annie Sloan chalk paint deux sevres  - Barcelona orange
annie sloan chalk paint – barcelona orange

Acheter Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ en France cliquez ici

Annie Sloan Aubusson blue Chalk Paint

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint  deux sevres Aubusson
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Aubusson

Annie Sloan aubusson blue is a colour which is named and designed after the beautiful deep grey blue found on the classic 18th and 19th century rugs originating from Aubusson in France. It is an elegant colour that works well with many colours as it is a dark neutral but in particular it works really well with Paris Grey . It is also a colour found in Scandinavian painted furniture.
If you were to add 8 parts of Old White to 1 part of Aubusson Blue you would create a colour called Stockholm, a sophisticated deep grey blue found in traditional Swedish decoration.

Annie Sloan custom mix colour - Stockholm
Annie Sloan custom mix colour – stockholm

The picture at the top of the page is a kitchen table finished in Aubusson Blue.The top has been given a lime wash effect finish using Old White

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Deux Sevres  Aubusson Blue
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Aubusson Blue

Acheter Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ en France cliquez ici

Annie Sloan Arles – Chalk Paint

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint  Deux Sevres Arles
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Deux Sevres
small cabinet in Arles with light and dark wax

Annie Sloan Arles Chalk Paint is a rich yellow
ochre with a hint of orange. When using Arles
on furniture, Annie recommends pairing it with
a cool, quiet color like Chateau Grey, Old
Ochre, Country Grey, Paris Grey. I have tried
it with Old Ochre and paris Grey and really
like it.This is possibly another candidate for
dark wax treatment.

The inspiration for this colour, which is a rich
glowing yellow, is the colour associated with
the town of Arles in the South of France. It is
a rich yellow ochre with a hint of orange juice
and with Old White added the colour is warm and
gentle. It is in our opinion a warm and
sophisticated yellow.

If you look closely at the floor in the photo
above you will notice that we also chose to
use Arles on the shop floor.

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint deux sevres Arles
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Arles

Acheter Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ en France cliquez ici

Annie Sloan Antoinette Chalk Paint

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Antoinette
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Antoinette

Annie Sloan chalk paint Antoinette Deux Sevres
Annie Sloan chalk paint Antoinette

Annie Sloan Antoinette Chalk Paint.
“Old fashioned roses and the colour of old plaster. This is a soft pale pink with a hint of brown in it so the pink is not too sweet.” Like most men I am not a pink person, so I was a little hesitant about trying this colour.Subtle is how I would describe it.Certainly not an in your face true pink.Girly ? Well apparently it is a girls paint! We did some bedroom chairs with it and they looked good.We have also used it to distress back to and the subtlety of the colour shines through.It is a colour that you might just get hooked on!!

Annie Sloan Antoinette
Annie Sloan Antoinette

Acheter Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ en France cliquez ici

Annie Sloan Antibes Chalk Paint

chalk paint - deux sevres- antibes green

Annie Sloan Antibes with light and dark wax
Annie Sloan Antibes with light and dark wax

Most people seem to cringe when we open the tin of Annie Sloàan Antibes Green Chalk Paint at our workshops.Yes it is an in your face colour. We have nicknamed Kermit Green for obvious reasons.However as with a lot of the brighter colours once you start adding dark wax they take on a whole new life.
Don’t forget that adding old white to a colour produces some wonderful alternative colours. We were a little more adventurous and added French linen to Antibes to produce an incredible mint green colour !
Antibes comes to the Annie Sloan palette from two sources – the neo-classical palaces, such as the Fontainebleau Palace and in Schloss Charlottenburg in Potsdam, and from the villages around Provence where countless artists have been inspired by the colours of painted furniture, shutters and doors .

Antibes Green - chalk paint deux sevres

Acheter Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ en France cliquez ici