Hey hey it’s back at last. Napoleonic blue has been relaunched and is now available.Napoleonic Blue is inspired by the ultramarine and cobalt blue pigments used for decorative work in everything from neoclassical interiors through to modern twentieth century decoration. For a stunning effect why not try it over Antibes! It is a must for all of you love mixing your custom colours.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Napoleonic blue
Above is a French rococo style side table given a contemporary neo-classical look with Napoleonic Blue. Inside the drawers is Barcelona Orange.
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Annie Sloan Old Violet chalk paint is a reminder of Parma violets or blue lavender, this is a wonderful 18th century colour used for colouring the inside of furniture or for using with as a base with Paris Grey on top and distressed. It is of course wonderful used just on its own.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Old Violet
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Annie Sloan Old Ochre Chalk Paint is a soft warm neutral that can be dark waxed to make the colour of old French painted woodwork.With clear wax it makes a wonderful creamy finish. It works well with most colours and is a personal favourite over pink or red
Cabinet painted in Old Ochre over Duck Egg BlueAnnie Sloan Chalk Paint Old Ochre
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Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Louis Blue
Annie Sloan describes the colour of Louis Blue Chalk Paint as “A pretty pastel Madame de Pompadour blue”
It could also be used as a Vintage baby blue.The choice is yours as they say. We have previously made many signs using this colour for baby names etc. (and for girls there is of course Antoinette)
Table painted in Louis BlueAnnie Sloan Chalk Paint Louis Blue
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Annie Sloan Henrietta Chalk Paint is a beautiful rich complex pink with a hint of lilac. It’s a sophisticated colour used in its own but with the addition of Old White it becomes an interesting colour without being too ‘cupcake’.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Henrietta
Henrietta painted on a French night stand with Country Grey on the mouldings and Provence in the interior. To give it depth a dark wax was used in a few places.
Of course you can you this colour with great effect using it under Old Ochre or Paris Grey.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Henrietta
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Annie Sloan Greek Blue Chalk Paint is a warm blue without any green in it. It is a colour found throughout the Mediterranean, often faded and distressed on shutters and woodwork. It has a chalky look about it yet it is a strong positive colour.
This is a colour that looks good with clear or dark wax.The picture above shows Greek Blue over Old White with clear wax. Why not try putting dark wax on directly on to the paint as we have on this case.The look is totally different. Do remember that if you apply dark wax straight on to the paint that is where it stays.
Union Jack case painted in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
The top of the case has had dark wax applied directly on to the paint.The front of the case has had no wax applied.Quite a difference!
If you want to make a colour paler then you can add Old White or Pure.( Old White will help make the colour vintage and Pure will make the colour more modern)
Old white will achieve a soft pale slightly aged look whereas the addition of Pure White will create a cleaner,fresher circa 1950′s finish.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint – Greek Blue
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What would we do without Annie Sloan Graphite Chalok Paint ? A great paint to make a blackboard with.In fact you can use all of them to that.Blackboards do not necessarily have to be black!!
Graphite is a soft black made with purplish blues and brown and is not completely black. But when waxed it becomes a beautiful black like dark slate.
You can make a warm sophisticated grey called UFFIZI, which was named after the Florentine art gallery, by adding 3 parts of Old White to 1 part of Graphite.
Alternatively add equal parts of Graphite and Old White to make a really elegant charcoal grey that is reminiscent of a Saville Row suit.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Graphite
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Annie Sloan French Linen Chalk Paint is a very popular colour.It is a cool neutral khaki grey inspired by bleached deep neutral of old pieces of French and Italian furniture. It works beautifully with golds and a range of rich and bright colours such as Emile and Emperor’s Silk.
We use this colour with great effect using it on top of old white or reversing the colour way.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint – French Linen
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Anniçe Sloan Florence chalk paint is a colour that was originally called Persian Green but has recently been relaunched as Florence.You know as soon as you open the tin and dip your brush in that this colour is something really special.
It is inspired by the colours of the copper green mineral and semi-precious stone, malachite,from the same family of stones as azurite and turquoise. In the 17th and 18th century it was used as a colour made with verdigris but as it is a very fugitive colour turning black with time so we are not aware of how it was used on woodwork in many houses. It is a classical colour which can be found in classic Italian furniture.
When I opened a tin my first thought was Oh Yes! What a wonderful colour. Now all I need to something to paint it on!! And I wasn’t content till I found something. It goes really well when used over the top of Barcelona Orange. The two colours compliment each other really well. Try using it with something gold. Wax or gold leaf – the effect is stunning.
colour progression using Florence
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Annie Sloan English Yellow Chalk Paint is a clean yellow which was particularly popular in English 18th Century decoration and is inspired by hand painted Chinese wallpaper and the development of Chrome Yellow pigment. It was the first non earthy yellow and a first would be very expensive. In the 1950s this yellow became popular as a strong primrose. It can be mixed with Antibes Green to make lime green. It is a must for any chalk painter’s palette.
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint – English Yellow
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