Tag Archives: Annie Sloan tester pots france

Annie Sloan Tester Pots

Annie Sloan Tester Pots are now better value than before.

Annie Sloan Tester Pots France
Annie Sloan Tester Pots

Why a tester pot? Here are 10 good reasons for buying them. But we think you may think of other uses too.

1. you have not yet tried the world’s best paint for painting furniture.
2. You only have a small project
3. You want to make your own custom colours
4. You want to use a different colour with a stencil
5. Add a splash of colour to the inside of a drawer
6. You may want to try dyeing some fabric
7. You could make your own coloured wax
8. Try a colour you are not sure about
9. Give it as a gift ( we are sure they will love it !)
10. Paint picture or mirror frames, small boxes, vases….the list is endless!!!

Where can you buy these tester pots of Chalk Paint? Either in store (see below) or from our on line shop

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